
The thing I love most about gardening is the health benefits.  I’ve never been a very good inside gardener (inside may be the only place where bamboo is vulnerable) and because of this, when I garden, I leave the walls around me and venture outside where the sky opens above me and the elements make many of the decisions.  My heart rate increases when I haul soil, stack pavers, pull weeds, put plants in the ground and planters and move them when I see fit, and water and repeat.  My heart rate slows when I pull out a chair and sit admiring my handiwork and taking in the various scents.  The garden has been my sanctuary for years now.

I started this blog as a fledgling gardener and landscaper and many things have changed since then.  I used to take care of large yards and spend hours upon hours filling the yard waste container each week and transforming the landscape into something (I thought at least) was magical.  Then I lived in the city and took care of my containers  on my veranda and nursed a P-Patch in my neighborhood.  It was less physical work, but I still reaped quite a lot of the benefits and and had plenty to write about.

Now I am in my own home again with a garden to bend to my will. Or vice versa. I’m still learning. And still enjoying the dirt beneath my nails, the sky overhead, and the plants in between.

“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in–what more could he ask?  A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars.” – Victor Hugo

I hope you enjoy my ramblings!

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